Every December I try to bake a couple of times with my oldest son, it's our special thing. He is 14 so I welcome any time he wants to hang out together. Getting some hands-on time in the kitchen has even more benefits this year since we are distance learning and our kitchen IS school.
My grandparents Rae, Joe, Barbara & Jim would be so proud as each of them taught me how to cook. Grandpa Joe taught me how to cut and prep veggies before Grandma Rae would use them in her dishes. Grandpa Jim taught me how to use those same knife skills to make beef jerky.
Here is one of our favorite recipes that we talked about in the December 3 newsletter. This can be made the night before. The beautiful smell, while it bakes, has been known to bring the sleeping monkeys downstairs better than any other method on a cold winter morning.
Merry Christmas,
Farmer Joe